MHK Tabletop DM Club

Run your own world

How it works

  1. Register

  2. Tell us about you and your game

  3. Let us tell everyone about you

  4. Wait for players to join your world

  5. Run your game

  • MHK Tabletop does all the heavy lifting. You will have access to all available recourses to run your world and we advertise for you and connect interested players to your world for you.

  • DMs in the club can schedule to run a session anytime during normal operating hours and do not pay the usual admission fee. There is no limit to the number of sessions a DM can run in a week.

  • That is entirely up to you. MHK Tabletop is not a billing intermediary for DMs. You may charge by session or campaign, by player or party it’s all up to you and your players will pay you directly.

DM Club Member
Every month

✓ Membership in the MHK Tabletop DM Club
✓ MHK Tabletop Website post
✓ MHK Tabletop Scheduling